Sunday, January 19, 2014


Rising and lowering blood sugars sure is exhausting!  We have been battling low blood sugar for the past couple of days.  Yesterday Nathanael had a bowling tournament and we struggled to keep his blood sugar up.  He found when he was close to 100 he wasn't bowling very well.  He feels the best when he is about 120.  I even gave him two peanut butter cups for 24 carbs to get his sugar up.  Normally this would send him through the roof without a shot.  It didn't have that much of an effect.  It gave him enough of a boost to help him finish the tournament.  He qualified for day 2 in third place.  He bowled awesome!  The best part of bowling was he was consistent all day.

After we got home last night and had dinner, he blood sugar decided to start rising.  He all of a sudden was nearing 300.  I have no idea where this came from.  It certainly wasn't what he ate.  He ended up going to bed last night in the 200's.  I checked him during the night and he was 256.  I almost gave him a shot but I didn't know how his blood sugar would react so I didn't.

He got up today at 233.  I gave him a correction before his shower.  Then after his shower, he had a smoothie for breakfast and took a shot for it.  Two hours later his blood sugar was unchanged.  It hadn't gone up and hadn't gone down.  Finally after two bowling games, his blood sugar dropped to 156 and he wanted food. (The story of my life.  He always wants food.) He took a shot and had a snack.  We didn't check again until after we got home.  (Which was 2 hours after his last shot and his snack.)  He all of a sudden asked for his tester and checked his blood sugar.  He was 55!  He did have a lot of water to drink while bowling.  I think all the water and the exercise from bowling just caught up to him.  I gave him a large glass of milk and started his lunch.  Within an hour, his blood sugar has now risen to 149.  He was complaining he was cold and was yawning.  So he grabbed a blanket and I convinced him to take a little nap.  Within 5 minutes, he was out cold.

I can only imagine how this must feel to him.  I know what low blood sugar feels like but I have no idea what it feels like to go from normal to very low back to normal within an hour.  No wonder he is tired.

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