Saturday, July 5, 2014

Busy Summer

It has been a couple of months since my last post.  Nathanael started on a pump the end of April and things have gotten a lot easier and better.  His numbers have been lower and he isn't as hungry.  He is still growing like a weed and diabetes seems easier to deal with.  On the other hand, there are a lot more worries.  It feels like we are starting all over again back to day one.  We are continuing to make adjustments to his settings to stay in range.  I get up two times a night to check his blood sugar to make sure he isn't going low or getting too high.  I'm trying to let go and feel comfortable with where he is at during the night.  I have only gotten up a couple of times this week and only one time a night.

School is out and like many parents, I struggle with what to do with my kids.  Both kids go to Bible camp but that is only one week during the summer.  This year I decided that Nathanael was going to go to Diabetes Camp and with the generosity of my mom, he is going to do that too.  He mentioned that he wanted to go to band camp also.  So I got him signed up.  When all was said and done, he is going to camp every other week starting in June and going through July.  I'm glad that he will be busy this summer but it makes me very nervous.  In our year with diabetes, I have come to realize that the only person who will help Nathanael take care of his diabetes when he is away from home is Nathanael.  But who is going to make sure he is okay during the night?  No One.  So I try to educate him as much as possible and just hope he is listening to me.  We all know how well teenagers listen!  The first big test came the week of June 22.  He was at band camp.  He was able to text me and call me as needed.  I was extremely nervous!  My husband thinks I'm psycho  because I worry so much.  But I just don't know if Nathanael was listening to me.  I told him to at least text me his number before he goes to bed.  We discussed what number is a good number to go to bed. Long story short, he survived the week and so did I.  He had a lot of lows during the day and only a couple of highs (low 200's so really not too bad.)

Now I'm preparing for Bible camp.  He will not have the ability to get in touch with me when needed.  He is completely on his own.  His sister will be there so that gives me some comfort.  It is my hope that he stops long enough to take care of himself.  I can educate his counselors and the nurse as much as possible. But it ultimately comes down to he needs to do everything himself.  He needs to remember to test his blood sugar the bare minimum of 4 times a day; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime.

After Bible camp, he will be home for a week of appointments.  He has to get his yearly blood work done, follow-up dentist appointment on his new braces, his 15 month check up, and finally another appointment with the diabetic educator.  Then we pack again for diabetes camp.   Why couldn't diabetes camp be first?  Oh well, I hope he learns a lot from diabetes camp and has a lot of fun.

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