Monday, October 20, 2014

3 Month check up

Today was A1C testing day.  This is the second test since being on the pump.  The first one was after taking a vacation from his pump while at Bible camp.  That didn't go so well but his A1C was 7.9 in July.  So today his A1C was 7.6! He is staying pretty consistent.  I think we are going to make some more adjustments to his settings to bring him down just a little bit more.  Ever since we got started on the new pump, his numbers have been higher.  It is nice to have a tester that communicates with the pump.  He is also liking the fact that all the information is on the bolus screen.

Friday, October 17, 2014

New Pump

Look what arrived today!  Nathanael is very excited about his new pump.  I got everything all set up and he is up and running.  It will be nice to also have a tester that communicates with his pump so all of his readings will be captured.  

Monday, October 13, 2014

Officially approved!!

Nathanael received a pump back in March from a very generous person here in town.  We didn't go through the official approval process with insurance.  His numbers have been really good since he began pumping.  His last A1C wasn't a clear reading with his pump because he took his pump off for a week while at camp.  That wasn't exactly a good blood sugar week.  A few weeks ago, Nathanael and I went to the Take Control of Your Diabetes conference in Missoula.  I talked to the Medtronic rep and the T-slim rep while there.  We decided that now is the time to get him a new pump since we have met his deductible for the year.

Medtronic went through the whole process to get Nathanael approved for a pump.  We got the letter on Saturday that he has been approved!  So very excited that he is officially approved to be using a pump.  The pump has made a huge difference in his diabetes.  His blood sugars stay lower and he also comes down faster than when he was on shots.