Monday, October 13, 2014

Officially approved!!

Nathanael received a pump back in March from a very generous person here in town.  We didn't go through the official approval process with insurance.  His numbers have been really good since he began pumping.  His last A1C wasn't a clear reading with his pump because he took his pump off for a week while at camp.  That wasn't exactly a good blood sugar week.  A few weeks ago, Nathanael and I went to the Take Control of Your Diabetes conference in Missoula.  I talked to the Medtronic rep and the T-slim rep while there.  We decided that now is the time to get him a new pump since we have met his deductible for the year.

Medtronic went through the whole process to get Nathanael approved for a pump.  We got the letter on Saturday that he has been approved!  So very excited that he is officially approved to be using a pump.  The pump has made a huge difference in his diabetes.  His blood sugars stay lower and he also comes down faster than when he was on shots.

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